With their multiple test voltages, they are ideal for many troubleshooting, commissioning, and preventative maintenance applications. Additional features, like the remote probe on these tools save both time and money when performing tests.
The Fluke 1507 and 1503 InsulationTesters are compact, rugged, reliable,and easy to use.
With their multiple test voltages, they are ideal for many troubleshooting, commissioning, and preventative maintenance applications. Additional features, like the remote probe on these tools save both time and money when performing tests.
Calibration | For Sale | For Hire
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Campus 1 • Aberdeen Science & Technology Park •Balgownie Road • Bridge of Don • Aberdeen • AB22 8GT
Tel +44 (0)1224 222888
New York Industrial Estate • North Shields • Tyne & Wear • NE27 0QF
Tel +44 (0)191 296 3444